First off, a primer on how cap rates work. A cap rate is defined as the NOI divided by the purchase price of the facility. Using a very simple example, if a facility has $1 million in NOI and it has a 10% cap rate, the facility will be worth $10 million ($1 million / .1).
Average cap rates vary based on industry trends and interest rates, but currently average cap rate ranges are as follows:
- Independent Living - 7.0%-8.0%
- Assisted Living - 8.0%-9.5%
- Skilled Nursing - 12.5%-13.5%
There are three reasons that Skilled Nursing facilities have much higher cap rates than Assisted Living or Independent Living facilities:
This can have an enormous impact on value because if the state cuts its Medicaid rate by 10%, every SNF in the state will lose 10% of its Medicaid revenue with little that the facility can do to recoup it. If the federal government cuts its Medicare rate by 5%, every SNF in the country will lose 5% of its Medicare revenue. This decline in revenue dramatically impacts the bottom line.
While other real estate classes are affected by economic trends, both nationally and locally, government reimbursement is an added risk for the Skilled Nursing class that needs to be factored into expected returns and hence, values / cap rates.
For more
information, contact Matthew Alley at
or 630-858-2501