Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Selling..Keep calm..Where to start?

So, you have thought about selling your seniors housing or long-term care community.  Now what? 

For most of our clients the stress and anxiety immediately sets in.  Put that fear to rest by working with a professional that handles hundreds of transactions.  Senior Living Investment Brokerage, Inc. is there to help you.  

Here is one tip.  As part of the process, take inventory of your community and what might need to be fixed or improved.  One of the biggest stresses is when someone points out the things wrong with your community.  Beat them to the punch and it will avoid a lot of unnecessary stress.  Make sure floors/carpets are clean, paint is touched up and it is a pleasant experience to walk the halls.  If you make a good first impression with the condition of the community, it will alleviate a lot of the tedious investigation.  What they see first will give them the impression of how the rest of the community is taken care of.

Contact Ryan Saul to discuss our sales process and other things you can do to alleviate stress.

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